Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Face to Face with the Real World

Not often does school collide with the real world. Sure we try to create and plan "real-world" activites and projects for our classroom, but for the most part these are just simulations. However, this morning was truly a real-world experience. Just ask the dozen or so "civilian" passengers who had not expected 100 eighth-graders on their Air Tran business flight from Boston to Baltimore.

The trip was uneventful - a good thing in this case. We boarded our plane, took off, and landed with a realative sense of calm and organization (though there was clapping on each end of the flight and when the students coordinated a simultaneous closing of the window shades to cast the plane into complete darkness) But what was most interesting was seeing the students navigate their way through a whole host of real world experiences - checking and retrieving baggage, following instructions through security, and meeting up with chaperones after being allowed to find food or restrooms.

There will be many more situations throughout the week when school and the real world will intersect, but if the first few hours are any indication, the students are more than prepared to handle them.

Sent from my HTC smartphone on the Now Network from Sprint!

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