Thursday, October 29, 2015

Touring the Capital's Capitol

At 2:15 today, the whole grade was just about ready to collapse from all the walking we had just done. When we first arrived at the Capitol Building, it seemed like we would never get a chance to sit down. After taking a large group picture in front of the building, we walked inside the visitor center, where we were escorted into a theater. We were all relieved to fall into those comfy chairs and learn a bit about the background behind our country's Congress and Capitol Building.  

The Capitol Building's dome is made to look like stone, but it is really made out of cast iron. This prevents the dome from caving in from the weight. Unfortunately, cast iron rusts, so it has become unsafe. This is why the Capitol Building's dome is now under renovation. Although it is not complete, the building was still quite cool looking. 

Our tour around the building was great. Our tour guide was funny and entertained us between informational tidbits. Did you know that each state has two statues of well-known figures  in the Capitol Building? Or that Pennsylvania passed a law saying that one of those figures had to be German-American, while the other had to be Irish-American? Our tour guide's language skills were quite impressive as well, seeing as he speaks 61 languages, being fluent in seven of them. All in all, I would say that visiting the Capitol Building turned out to be quite fun. 

By Alyssa P.

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