Wednesday, May 27, 2015

A Watchful Eye

Kids stumbled off the bus, drowsy from the plane and bus rides, already hungry, and curious to see what D.C was like. We were directed over to a big building with pillars out front. I didn't recognize it at first, but with a second glance I was able to see what it was. It was the first big thing we saw in D.C. The Lincoln Memorial was huge as the faces of hundreds of people looked up at him. Students, parents, siblings, he towered over everyone, his marble features frozen in time. Everyone was in awe from seeing it for the first time. The ten minute time frame we had wasn't nearly enough for everyone to be able to appreciate the statue.

People from Parker slowly started filing out of Lincoln's room, glancing back at it for the last few times they would see it. The photos everyone had taken didn't do justice to what the statue was really like. He glared down at everyone and looked over the Washington Monument with a watchful eye. The fact that this spectacular monument was the first thing we would see and appreciate in D.C. made it even more unrealistic that we were actually in the presence of one of the most famous monuments in Washington D.C.

- Brenna S.

1 comment:

  1. It is a very impressive Memorial, lucky for you to experience it first hand.
