Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Promise of Things to Come

Twenty minutes till boarding and everyone is seated in the lobby at gate A21. The rising sun is promising, and everyone seems tense. I've already lost my boarding ticket twice, and got yelled at walking through security, but that's just me. Other than my tragic incidents, everything is going great. No one looks tired anymore, and everyone is so excited for what's to come. 

The majority of people are siting in seats or on the ground, anxiously waiting and waiting for the coming events. We can see planes flying in and out from were we are, and it becomes very tense for some people. I can see some kids that look like the are about to hurl, but the lot of us are pretty normal. We are just moments away from boarding, moments away from flying, and moments away from Washington DC. 

- Olivia R.

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